The Amazing World of Cutch

It's a Pop Culture thing.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Oh did I pluck!

hello test

Friday, February 01, 2013


So, I watched that Tintin Movie today.

It was a pretty good family friendly action romp, but felt a little bit insanely absurd at times. Maybe it's an age thing, but I found myself questioning moments like when the sloose gates to a damn were blown open and all this water pours through the town below. My first thought was what about all that property damage. We are looking at peoples jobs and homes being destroyed, all for a humours bit of action.

The other thing that I'm not sure about was the Virtual camera work on hand. Now I do get that in a virtual environment you are capable of placing and moving the camera in positions that in reality would be impossible, but it doesn't necessarily mean you should do. At points I felt a little sick because of the way the camera would swoop about. It felt like the directors/animators were experimenting with this form of camera work a little to much, which I suppose could be too difficult to resist doing.

All in all though, it looked superb and the action never stopped. I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The bounce back

Bored of Skulking around Facebook and Twitter, I have decided to start writing a little bit. I'm going to aim for a minimum of two post a week about everything and anything that takes my interest.

Expect lots of gadget chat, maybe some stuff about films and books and the like, probably a lot of me freaking out about how to make things work in Linux/Raspberry Pi.

So that's the plan.

Lets see what happens...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Mic made a REAL tit out of himself on his 20th birthday!!

Guilded Balloon, Cowgate, Edinburgh. RIP